Drumming at the Wedding

Friends got married today - it was, by English standards, a big wedding! Steve was doing PA all day for it, but I still managed to get me and Ben washed and fed and dressed and we only missed a little bit of it. But, I forgot to brush his hair after his bath though so it went all curly (cute I guess), forgot to wipe his face after we had soup for lunch so he had a bit of an orange moustache, and forgot to zip his trousers up (they have a button at the top, they weren't just falling down all day!!). Sigh!! I don't think I did too badly overall.

The bride and groom looked lovely, the venue beautiful, the band brilliant - everyone worked so hard to make the day run so smoothly. Well done all of you!

This is Ben playing the drum that he didn't make. I decorated it to identify it as his. He made (helped, kind of) the guitar in the background - and wasn't particularly interested in playing it! He managed to gather himself a bit of a fanclub though with his drumming. At one point he had two of the fans playing these cardboard guitars as he played drums and sang loudly.

He had a good day today. I don't think he's eaten a great deal (apart from breakfast - he had mini chocolate stars on his porridge this morning, that made him happy!) all day, he didn't want dinner when everybody else was eating and neither Steve nor I remembered to save him a bread roll so by the time he was hungry there were no rolls left! I'd brought a tub full of sliced ham though so that and a couple of mini cupcakes was his dinner.

We got home 9ish (Steve is still at the venue, packing down the PA - he'll be home late) and after a bit of juice and a bit of playing his dubtar (guitar) he was happy to get into pyjamas and was in bed asleep within about half an hour of getting home. Amazing. AND he managed a sleep at the wedding, during all the speeches!

Blip and insulin and bed for me now. Yawning and achey and need to recharge for tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow afternoon. There's rugby to be watched and a Grand Prix and d'you know what, I'm actually looking forward to them because Steve will be home and not busy busy busy and I can actually see my husband for a bit!!

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