With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Child wrangling completed (nearly) for Mrs P, she takes a rest with her light sabre in the shade. Or is it just that my polarising filter has cracked?

The boys went unquestioningly and cheerfully to school. Ben had a few tears yesterday evening, as he hadn't fully realised the implications of Pau, his best friend for the last eight years since we first came to the island, not being in the same class. We were to make up for this in a small way on Saturday.

It was a short day for school, as is the case until October, so there was time to play in the park and have an icecream.

Later on, I was allowed an escape for an evening out with the girls. Lovely. The black limos are arriving in the Port and various teams of special effects and camera crews are the only ones you see about. The big names are hiding in the hills. I would too if I were them, Mrs P has a mean right slash with her cutlass.

Sorry, am I being too cryptic?

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