With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


On the naughty chair. She's never there for very long and I ruined the whole point by taking her photo and showing her the shots.

We were up early for a pre season friendly in Calvia. They were bigger, older boys, but our lot eventually rallied. Venga chicos! Two boys have left the club for pastures new. It was announced in the Veu de Soller (local weekly)?! Not quite under the headline traitors, but it smacked a bit of it. Weird. You'd think nothing happened here. (!)

We called into the supermarket on the way home, detaining Sergi for an extra hour. Of course my phone battery had died and so his mum was a little worried, but too busy preparing for his birthday party for it to be too much. Meanwhile, Mrs P, three very excitable boys and I wandered the aisles with an out of control trolley. Half an hour in, I found myself being 'manipulated' by two guys. They manoevered me sideways and one tried to distract me somehow. I was so on edge anyway by then, I noticed a slight tugging at my handbag and found the other with his hand on the zip! He looked me in the eye and almost shrugged, as if to say "Oh well, I'll get it next time." Nothing has gone except a little bit of trust in the world. I tried to follow them, they sauntered off at first but then disappeared into the ether of fervent shoppers. The security guy I alerted knew exactly who they were after I described them. He said he kicks them out all the time, but can't do anything more. I guess they aren't too successful. I guess they need the cash. One was a bit lardy though, so he must have all the pies. And when a guy asked me for money for bread in the carpark ( a repeat performance from a few weeks ago) I gave him something, but felt bad I doubted him so much more.

Ben splashed off for an afternoon of tennis and swimming at Sergi's party. Little A was slightly run down, so we did a bit of sorting and then rested, before it was time to party with my friend Isabel, her husband Pau, their son Pau (Ben's best mate) and the lovely Judith. A walking miracle. And her mum's a saint. We burned some sausages etc. on the terrace and talked about the price of carob. Cool. Ben and Pau are now maybe sleeping up on the bunk bed. Agu fell asleep to their chatter as a bed time story and I'm listening to my wonderful dishwasher for mine.

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