northern monkeys

By scotchlass

In a right flap!

Myself and the kids have been out for most of the day to the park at Bury st Edmunds where i met up with my friend Laura, her partner James and her children Jayden and Skye.

Jayden and Fred have been friends since they were tiny, and although they are at different schools they still like to meet up and play. Skye his sister, loves Lauren, she is her best friend, dont tell Miss E, missymoo's daughter as she says Lauren is her BEST friend.

They have spent the good part of the day on the swings, slides, sandpit and the tree house.

We are now back home, and things are very quiet as Tubs and Monkey have gone for a lie down and play on their ds's before tea.

Hope you have had a good day :)

Remembering all those who lost their lives 10 years ago in 9/11

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