The choices we make

Sunday morning is always such a quiet time at my moms place. I walked down to the waterfront again, just to be out with the camera before starting the day's chores.

On saturday it was vacuuming, taking the rugs out (remember to bring a new beater), emptying the fridge from all the moldy stuff and heating the sauna (remember to buy more matches). Today it was cleaning the rest of the fridge, three loads of laundry, taking my mom over to see my dad, changing her bed.

Mom busy with apples as usual this time of the year, sometimes having a walk outside, reading the news amused by the presidential candidates even if she forgets what she just read. Asking over and over again how old my kids are and which grade. She hardly can keep anything in her short term memory.

I hope she can stay at home as long as possible.

And a drive back home.

Hubby's now on his way over to Taipei again, the last trip for now he says. I hope so, I don't envy him a bit, the long flights, long days and a jet lag are no fun.

A long story this time... didn't mean to. Take care & have a nice week!

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