With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


They rose early, determined to get the best of the larder before they returned to their true home, the banks of Gorg Blau. The reservoir was dry, very dry, but there was work to be done. Wood to be fettled, tools to be made to fettle the wood, battles to be fought with weapons made using the tools that were fettled from wood and a few stones thrown into the bargain. After a hearty meal of leftovers raided from the larder, they set off to see the damage done to the reservoir since they had been away. Inevitably, there was a lot of mud to be investigated. Returning, war wounds splattered with centuries old lake detritus, they foraged a little more and bravely fought off a ravenous beasty (sheep). Wearily they descended to the sea shore, to rub some salt into their wounds and heal the fresh scars.

Chinese for tea.

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