Lali's World

By Lali

La Diada - Catalan National Day

Today, 11th September is the National Day of Catalonia, known here as "Diada". You can read more about it in here. There are different events, demonstrations and concerts, and the tradition is to hang the Catalan flag in all balconies. There are cakes with the catalan flag on them as well!! So, it was a celebratory day in Catalonia.

Unfortunately it coincides with the the awful events that happenened on the same date, ten years ago, when the World Trade Center towers collapsed.

I went to the beach today again. It was really hot. The beach was full to the brim. There were illegal vendors of canned drinks, mojitos, coconut pieces, samosas, sunglasses, massages and henna tattoos all over the place! The bar was full and there was a guy singing and playing the guitar as well. Really busy! Later on, in the evening, I met one of my sisters for a bit of a catch up and a couple of drinks. It was a rather pleasant evening.

Going to bed soon. Planning to have another relaxing day tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your comments. I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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