Lali's World

By Lali

Parc Guell

This is one of the many amazing features of the most beautiful park in Barcelona. Parc Guell was built between 1900 and 1914 and was designed by the famous catalan arquitect Antoni Gaudi. If you want more information or you want to see more pictures of it, you can have a look at this link. This park is very close to where my parents live, so today I went there for a walk and to take some pictures. I felt a bit like a tourist taking all those pictures but, to be honest, recently, I always feel like a tourist when I come to Barcelona. It's a bit of a strange feeling, but I've been in Scotland for so long that now I feel like a foreigner everywhere!

The weather was sunny and warm apart from a few clouds that gathered at midday and early afternoon. I had a lazy day, which I'm entitled to, since I'm on holiday of course. If the weather stays good, I'm planning to go to the beach tomorrow morning.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments. I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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