Backwards With Time

By thebigpicture

A day of peace...

Today is 9/11, it is a symbolic day in the ole USA, and it is weird feeling. 10 years ago there was an attack on America and it has changed the world for all of us. I remember faking sick this day 10 years ago because I didn't like high school and so I stayed home and saw all the events unfold in front of the TV.

I am now 10 years older and 10 years "wiser" and I have my opinions on what happened and what has happened since, but none of that matters. If you read my blip yesterday, this weekend a group of us have been working with a couple of families that have had fathers killed because of the wars that have come from this day 10 years ago. It is a powerful thing to work with a family in grief and be sharing a passion of the outdoors that exudes from us that work here. These families weren't here for political reasons or for a hand out, they wanted to get away and have a break in the woods and sit amongst the trees, listen to the wind, and feel the sun on their faces. That is what we hope that they were able to leave with is a love for the outdoors and a place that they feel they can come to when they need a break.

In honor of this day we planted a Blue Spruce tree and as a group both staff and families we helped dig the hole, plant the tree, and give it the nutrients it will need to survive the cold Colorado winters. It was a very powerful moment and a moment that I hope stays with them.

Enjoy your deserve it...

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