All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Waiting for the wind

I did a few hours overtime in the office this evening before heading home. The weather warnings all day had been about 80 mph winds which were due, but when I was sitting in the comfort of my car, it didn't seem too bad. I decided to take the scenic route home in pursuit of a blip. It was only when I got out the car for a short wander that I realised quite how windy it is! It was a struggle to even hold the camera straight and as a result I don't think a single one of my photos today is in focus! I kept thinking if the wind got much stronger, these haystacks would roll away.

I got home just before Ethan went to bed and was rewarded with cuddles from him. Hubbie had dinner in the oven for me and I'm now away to chill out in bed with the intention of getting Sky+ down as it's nearly full as usual.

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