Family Dog

By Family_Dog

the mean green machine

We got a day off from the Midwife today and decided to try our hands at doing something 'normal'. By that I mean not sit inside wondering how we could go outside into the sunshine with a new born baby (turns out, you just pack a bag and go!!).

We packed a bag, hopped in the car and went to the botanics. We wandered around chatting and peeking in the pram every now and then to make sure Arlo was a) still there, b) breathing (we check for this A LOT), c) not our imagination and d) still sleeping...

All of a sudden, a flash of realisation came over me... we were actually doing the things we'd spent 9 months daydreaming about.

When we got home we even managed to watch a whole telly programme. Not in one go though (obviously). No, the 40 minute programme took 3 hours over the course of the whole evening and even then I'm not 100% sure how it ended, but dammit - the telly was on and I watched it.

I think.

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