With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Mrs P and the button

We got her to press the right one in the end.

I had a great day at work, with lessons going very smotthly and enjoyably. I have a great deal of determination to get my Year 11 going on the right rack for the rest of the year. Please remind me of this in a few months time. As soon as I stepped out f the classroom, a yellow plane swooped dangerously low over the school. Fire! On my journey home I was 'treated' to a spectacular display of a dump of water on Can Tápera, a bit of remaining woodland now absorbed into the city of Palma and favourite school trip venue. I hope the damage is minimal. Couldn't get the shot, though I did stop in San Agustín at one edge of the flames. Just a couple of firemen watching for escaping flames.

We finallygot all the bits of stationery Ben needs for his school, even a blue and red double ended crayon and ten times the amount of string needed to make something....(the man in Can Bibi was very annoyed at 'that school' not organising themselves to bulk order. My sympathies lie in both camps)

Agu brought over some butane, so we can cook and wash at the same time if we want again, dinner fettled and then I nearly collapsed over the dinner table. Ben restored me with this kiss, and Mrs P fell for a composition along these lines, though it took a bit of time to get anywhere near it, instructions from across the table lsing in translation somewhat.

All are safely gathered in and I'm off to press my off button for the night. thanks for the faves yesterday guys xxx You know who you are.

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