to my bones

By mavo

first real day of school, bhuuh..

So we had our first and looong day at school.. Wasn't that nice after the party yesterday, my eyes were swollen and aching because of the soap and foam and we didn't sleep that much either. Well, that's student life. Everything was quite frustrating because I didn't get my schedule fixed and I was going from class to class trying to find some class where they would like to take me.. That was embarrassing and so annoying. Everything is always so hard in the beginning and argh, just felt that I would like to come back to home.. then I went almost crying to this good guy who knows everything from the schools office and he got my schedule fixed in 2 minutes! That was amazing and after that I couldn't do anything else than laugh. Unbelievable. Seriously. I was so happy! :)) After that I met some new German people and hang around with my flatmates while waiting to get to English exam which saved the day.

I wanted to take pictures of our school but when I didn't take it while I had time then this is what you get, a not so good picture that doesn't tell that much. I want to publish it so next time I'll remember to take the picture when it's time for it actually. This is the view that you can see straight when you come out from our school. So not bad, surrounded by mountains. I love it.

So I got everything fixed and I just decided to relax and stay home the whole night. It's been great and early to bed too, tired already of the long day. Hope everything is good there <3 Good night!

p.s.Ella might get some surprise soonish ;)

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