Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


This is the front of my house. Well clearly not all of it, but you understand.

This picture pretty much captures how I feel about this house. While it's aesthetically pleasing to look at, it kind of puts a damper on your mood, doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, this house used to be my home, but one day something switched; I started feeling disconnected from it and all the memories started to fade.

My happy memories of this house started leaving my mind and all I could find in their place were moments that I didn't necessarily want to know again.

Side bar:
The words house and home really aren't that different from each other. Some would even say they're synonymous. So why is it then that they feel so different?

What's probably the funniest part to me is, I feel like I did this whole house/home thing backwards. Aren't you supposed to get accustomed to a house and then call it your home after you've lived there for a while? Well, I've lived in that house for about 20 years now, and I seen to be working the opposite way. Almost in a Benjamin Button sort of fashion.

But in all seriousness, when does a home become less than that? At what point do you start losing contact with that basic security? For me, I think I reached that point that I just didn't feel comfortable there. That while I was there, I was longing to be somewhere else. School has become my savior, my security, my home. Granted right now my room is in some building I'm not accustomed to, and I probably couldn't find my suite if I tried, but that place is the one that is calling to me. Not this one.

Can you out-grow a home? Or have you just out-grown that phase of life? that house will always be my childhood home. That's where I felt safe, where I had family. But now I'm an adult, itching to be on my own. I want to have my own front door, not share it with my family. I need a place to stretch my legs.

I constantly need to be challenged, and there comes a time in everyone's live I feel, that the next challenge you want to face is one that forces change. As scary as it may seem, sounds worth it to me.

"Home is where the heart is..."

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