In Between Days

By jase


Instead of taking bikes to the Lakes I thought we could do something a bit more memorable and hire a tandem! And memorable it was too. We picked it up from The bike hire place near Windemere train station. A few practice laps and we were off. The first few miles were highly amusing. Several miles on I noticed there was something wrong with my right pedal. A few miles later, after trying to tighten it using a borrowed spanner, it fell off! Called the hire shop and my phone battery ran out as I began to speak. Luckily L's temperamental phone (since she gave it a bath) was working and the guy dropped off two bikes and took away the one tandem. The plan was to cycle round to Hawkshead then take the ferry across lake Windemere. The ferry is near the end of the ride. When we got close a large sign proclaimed the ferry was closed! So back we rode. It was so hard trying to get there before closing time. We just managed it.

Not all bad though. The weather stayed pretty good, we rode through some nice places and the guest house is really nice. It's a vegetarian guesthouse called Yewfield. Our room is really nice, has a small balcony and has a great view of the hills.

In the evening we walked into Hawkshead and ate at one of the pubs and drank a few beers. We'd forgotten our torch for the walk back but we didn't need it as the moon was so bright! The stars too are amazing.

Shattered now. Will we have enough energy for walking tomorrow?

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