Sailing on Saffwy

Day started early. Jack needed a clip as he is way too woolly for this time of year. He is so good to clip now that I can do his head without any headcollar on just standing in the yard. Then we went for a ride round the woods with Oshie and Cara - lovely and cool in there. Despite the heat Jack coped really well. Hasn't started coughing and wheezing yet (he gets hayfever/ asthma in summer).

When I got back to the yard I got a text message from Lime's owner. I rang her when I got home - heart in my mouth - thinking she was going to come and collect him today. I had written her a 2 page letter - it was all I could think of doing - and I think it has made her look at what she will be taking Lime away from. She said it made her cry and she has read it through several times. The conversation started with her saying she would never sell him, but we were on the phone for nearly an hour and by the end of it she seemed to be coming round to the idea. I feel a whole lot better as talking to her I don't think she has planned this or has used me, but at the same time I don't think she realised someone else could grow as attached to Lime as she is. We are meeting up tomorrow for a chat and she said she would give some thought to whether she could sell him to me. I daren't hope too much but her agreeing to sell him to me would make me the happiest person alive! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

This afternoon we went to Rutland water and met up with Billy Goat and the Govenor for a sail on the new boat "Saffwy". She certainly is a beauty. Also got introduced to a whole new boating language. All very bizarre till Mr EG pointed out it was no more bizarre than some of the horse terminology that has no apparent reasoning behind it either!

I hope tomorrow will be a happy day, though I am trying not to get my hopes up too much.

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