Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


Today is my best friend Jordan's birthday. Happy birthday Jordan!!! :D

The picture above was not at all the picture I was planning on posting. I figured it would be one of the Marist girls or something of that nature. Maybe one of just the birthday girl if she'd let me. But no, instead I got a lovely surprise while driving the hour to go see my dear friend.

There are some things in life that make you smile. Like when my mom and I see a car with half of its front bumper missing and she just turns to me and says, "Now that's a crash diet!" But there are other things in life that you laugh at and then you think to yourself, Hey now, why am I laughing at that? because you realize what you're smiling over isn't exactly the fact that it's an ironic and amusing little surprise, but that you're actually subconsciously judging and laughing at that person.

No one can honestly say they've never done it. Hell, the only reason I took this picture was because I was doing it, too. And as funny as some people's obsessions are, and as crazy as they may seem to you, there may be a very reasonable explanation for why they love their dog or cat or hamster as much as they do.

While I would never go to the extent they did as to decorate the entire back of their car with puppy paraphernalia, I do love animals and I do love all the pets I have and have had. Hell, I even have a front license plate that has my grandmother's dead dog on it, name and all. So really, who am I to judge? I've been in that situation where I loved a pet with my entire life. It's incredible to see a bond like that. If that's what this person had with their dog, then great for them! I wish more than anything my cat could be back in my arms.

It's one thing to laugh because the situation presents itself that something objectively humorous occurs, but it is another entirely to laugh at someone else's expense. Just keep that in mind next time someone trips around you, or you see someone dressing like they're from 1980.

"The girl you just called fat? She is overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for our country. That guy you just made fun of? for crying? His mother is dying."

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