Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


Went to a carnival in Torrington today with the boy and my friend Jessie from work, oh, and her boy Dan. I had not been to a carnival in years. I had forgotten how much fun they could be.

Something I learned today: even army men can be scared of something. Tim is scared of heights. Kind of made me laugh a bit. But I love him all the same. Anyway, after we finished at the carnival, we went to get ice cream yum, my favorite!

It always is interesting to me when I realize how easy it is to become friends with someone. Hell, six months ago I did not even know Jessie existed and now we're basically besties. :) I'm definitely going to miss her when I have to go back to school.

Friendship is an interesting phenomenon. We go our lives meeting new people and impacting their lives either in minor or major ways. It seems to me though, that those people that you meet and get to know outside of their "natural environment" if you will are the ones that you really get to change.

I would hope I've changed Jessie's life. I know she has impacted mine.

"Hear you me my friends. On sleepless roads the sleepless go. May angels lead you in."

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