Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Good Mooning.

This isn't a particularly good image, but I managed to take it this morning at about 06:15 am. I have tried so many times in the past to take a moon shot and followed all the instructions, but unknown to me I was in the wrong mode. I used to think I had made the right settings, then moved the mode switch, which immediately re-set to the setting the camera wanted to set. Consequently every moonshot was burnt out. You need aprox F/8 at 100 I.S.O. at 1/125th sec. Experiment with these settings. I can't wait for the next time there is a great big yellow moon, I won't need to buy a two times converter for my 300mm lens then. Yes after many attempts, limited success. It seems that on every course, there is one young person with ADHD, another one or two with chronic flirtisis, and at least one dinasaur with hearing aids desperately try ing to listen to the trainer's detailed instructions wishing said people were in a training room far away. was it ever thus?

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