Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Blag it

There were some interesting skylines on the way to work this morning, looking across the Severn channel there was a sort of mushroom cloud over the Avonmouth docks, and then we had all these wonderful vapour trails enhanced by the rising sun. Just beautiful!

Had one of our regular external assessments today, which is always a tense time but in all honesty we're pretty good at them these days. Although today we nearly came a cropper when someone was asked a question, and instead of saying I don't know decided to make a story up which created a big hole that we had to dig ourselves out of. I don't see the point of trying to blag things just be honest and truthful, and if the assessor is ok they will understand, try and blag it and you're asking for trouble. I saved the day in the end and we came out with a relatively clean bill of health.

Why do people at the end of a meeting, or in this case an assessment, when everyone wants to go home decide to ask a question or start a conversation which then ends up taking half an hour to thrash out? For crying out loud it was gone 5 o'clock I wanted to go home!

I got a day off tomorrow off, so I'm off to see England play India in one day cricket in Cardiff. Fingers crossed that the weather will be ok!

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