
By Chiara

Mother's Day

I worked at Victoria's Secret for more than a year until last fall. I quit because the work was getting way too redundant and the new management team wasn't that professional. They kept condoning all the drama that went on behind closed doors. Hell, even one of the managers was usually the one who started the drama. But, yeah, I just got tired of working there so I just quit. I miss the awesome freebies, like the pink dog (pictured above), body sprays, and other merchandise, but I probably wouldn't work there again.

There's really no point in talking about Victoria's Secret. I needed a photo for today so I just grabbed the pink dog and that annoying itchy blanket Nate has and photographed these together.

I was supposed to visit my mom today but she decided to postpone lunch/dinner to next week, so I just stayed in all day and did schoolwork.

I had some time to kill, so I just looked through some of my previous blips, and oh god, does my life sound boring! A very small fraction of my daily life makes it to blip, but I still can't believe how dull I seem to be on here. Eep. Maybe I should start photographing the more interesting aspects of my days, but the problem is that I'm always too busy having fun.

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