Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Dragonflies - Everywhere!

Went to Rendlesham Forest today. Walked the three mile UFO trail.
(Not sure the virus has gone away yet; carrying the camera was unusually hard work. I was SO glad to be back).

I have never seen so many dragonflies! I shall have fun identifying them all. There were red ones, green ones, and brown and yellow ones. What a treat.
The dog didn't like the forest. He behaved quite oddly.
Am experiencing sea hair. A description? Every hair on my head sticks out (at a right angle to my scalp, just to clarify) having lost its usual corkscrew persona, in favour of a frizzy 'big hair' look. This does not, in any way, make me a happy bunny.
There are women here, who sail past (on their clean and tidy bicycles) with smooth, shiny, tidy blonde hair (AND red lipstick on). Looking like Bond women. Sunglasses perched tidily on their heads..
I do what I'm able, but there's no denying the touch of Worzel in my appearance.

And I haven't seen my sunglasses for some time...

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