Lali's World

By Lali

In the Old Town

This street is in Barcelona's Old Town, a very beautiful part of the city. I could have taken many pictures there, but I didn't have time, unfortunately. I just happened to be there because I had to do some shopping.

Today I was happy because I saw one of my sisters I don't see very often because she lives in Madrid and we never coincide in Barcelona. She just happened to be working in Formentera and decided to spent a few days in Barcelona before heading off to Madrid. Great coincidence I was here in Barcelona!

So this morning I went to the beach with her. This evening I'm meeting some friends for dinner, so this is why I'm posting this just now. I'll try and catch up with your blips tomorrow morning.

Still too hot in here. My holidays are coming to an end, which means that this is my last chance to enjoy some nice weather. However, what's most important is that I'm having a nice and relaxing time with my friends and family.

Thanks very much for your comments on my giant "Ant enna"! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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