To Farfield Mill near Sedbergh today and what an excellent day it was. I had read that the photographer Lynne Evans was there and was eager to see her exhibition. I had bumped into her on a beach in Harris a couple of years ago, and looking at her website, her images were what I wished for but will never attain. But inspiration is the way to keep me going.

The Mill is a haven of textiles, weaving, ceramics, glass, and every craft you could imagine, and a library full of craft books to purchase.

And the cafe has the most delicious cheese scones!

A wonderful day, thank you Hellonwheels, and I came away with a silk print of Lynne's which is now hanging on the wall by my chair; several bags of wool and thread, two books, and a cheeses scone for tomorrow! A wonderful day.

This exhibit is entitled Quarryman's Quilt, by Clyde Olliver, and is well worth looking at large.

And yes Hell, I'm listening to David Gray!

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