
By stravaig

Ile Maurice - taking flight

Enjoyed a visit to the beautiful botanical gardens today. This photo shows the giant water lilies. Apparently they are so strong they can hold the weight of a newborn baby. In this case a pigeon had landed on one, rested for a while then took off. A fascinating garden with bleeding trees where the sap is blood red, a plant that behaves like an umbrella and sheds any water poured on to it, and a beautiful Peruvian rose to list but few of the exotic plants we saw.

We also visited a Tamil temple which was gloriously colourful and our guide explained the images and statues. Followed by a visit to the sugar museum. Again a fine and informing trip. I never find it comfortable to read about the slavery aspect though and it is a very dark part of the legacy that Britain has left on islands such as these. I think the indentured worker scheme that followed it is only marginally less dark. Still, these parts of history do need to be stated and repeated so that current and future generations understand what went on.

A quieter day with the camera on Saterday perjaps. Enjoy the weekend blippers.

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