Northern Exposure

By Northern

Craggy Island?

This reminded me of that episode of Father Ted when they go to the caravan and Ted is trying to explain perspective to Dougal

Ted: (Holding a toy cow in front of Dougal Dougal, this cow is small. (Points out of the window.) Those ones are far away. Small...Far away.

(Dougal shakes his head, not understanding.)

Dougal: That's nearly as mad as that thing you told me about the loaves and the fishes.

Apologies to any blippers who have never seen Father Ted.

I was going to blip the candling of the duck eggs but I'm afraid trying to take pics in a dark room of an egg over a small hole with a bright light shining through it and then through an egg and being told off for getting in the way with my red focus light thingy... well, the results were frankly impossible to make out. Arrow did a little better last year. So at least you can see there what we were doing.

Anyway, we had 7 left of the original eggs we set to incubate. I'm afraid 2 more weren't developing. The 3 we replaced the ones from the original 10 with are doing fine and we replaced the 2 duff ones this evening with another 2. So, hopefully the first 5 will hatch in a week to 10 days, the next 3 in 2 to 3 weeks and the other 2 in a month or so... does that makes sense?

If so can someone explain it me! Maybe I'll just go back to small cows and perspective.

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