Northern Exposure

By Northern


I've never had much luck growing leeks. But I do love eating them and with G and BB's encouragement... and a free pack of seeds from Poppy, how can I not give them another go!

Sown outside from seed 2 or 3 weeks ago, they are now a couple of cm high and seem to be doing ok. Fingers crossed. Lots of other veg is doing very nicely too (has to be said most of it looks a bit tougher than these teeny tiny leeks).

Of course so are the weeds, which is why I've spent most of today weeding. Not exactly something I would choose to do, but there's a lot worse ways to spend a Sunday.

I will blip the great leek experiment every couple of weeks. Apologies to all the non gardeners out there but it's a damn handy way to keep track of their progress.

Anyone else care to show us theirs...?

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