Does My Bum Look Big In this Dress?

They say that laughter is the best tonic.
I can only agree, having had a dose of it this afternoon with the arrival of Nina, all three years of her, who came to share her birthday cake with us in the Dower House and have a bit of a party.

She of course brought her Mum and Dad with her, and Daughter#1 and my Edinburgh granddaughter came too. Even his Lordship managed a stint with us, but missed a lot of the eye watering laughter as the daughters both recalled life with me at the castle and at the school which Edinburgh granddaughter now attends.

It helps if Glasgow daughter is a wonderful mimic and had us all helpless with laughter recounting the ballet lessons with Nina in the West End of Glasgow with the pushy mothers we all dread to meet, and life with language teachers at the
High School.

I of course came in for much teasing on lots of scores but particularly with the memory of my shutting myself in the bedroom and screaming( they say!) with a bird brought in by the cat, flapping about in the kitchen.
Sad to say, I think I can remember the incident in question.

Such are the memories which the following generation like to hear as I did when I heard my Mother and her sisters laughing together as they recounted stories of their youth.

I can't speak for the others and perhaps they're at this moment saying how boring it all is to have to spend time with the oldies, but I've never had so much rib crunching laughter as I had this afternoon.

I also think Nina, the ultimate party girl, enjoyed herself in her chosen party frock with its tulle and rose buds, while incongruously scooting about on her birthday scooter.

Happy Birthday Nina and long may you remain such fun to be with.

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