Queen Mary 2

Normally the tenor of my day is decided the moment I roll up the bedroom blind and see what the weather holds in store.
Sun, and I'm happy, grey drizzle and I'm in the depths of gloom.

This morning, it was raining and hardly light at 8 am, so big gloom.
This did not augur well, but so anxious were we not to slob about the house reading the papers, we took the car for an outing to North Queensferry.

It wasn't until we were crossing the road bridge that we noticed the bulk of the Queen Mary anchored off Hound Point at South Queensferry. She had left Greenock two days ago and had arrived in the Forth this morning.

The weather improved, at least the sky lightened and the drizzle was lessened, as we walked along the coastal path which gave us the height to enable a good view of the ship's size.
She's a big girl, the biggest in the Cunard fleet and bigger than her sister ship the Queen Elizabeth, home to his Lordship and me last New Year.

Of course, a visit to North Queensferry wouldn't be complete without a stop at the 'Blether by the Bridge' cafe and I regret to say the blood went to my head and I had a fruit scone and hot chocolate-- little baby marshmallows on the top,which compounded the sin of it all.

At the moment I'm downing a large G&T as if it were lemonade.
There is no more hope for me today, but the moral of this tale if there is one, is that days can and do improve from the first lifting of the blind.
Perhaps another G&T and I'll be ready to party.

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