Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix

Stare off!

This is Richard's Crocodile staring off against one of the portraits adorning the side of the McEwan hall.

You won't find "Richard" on the plate for the artist's name but I'm pretty sure this is his and it his proper professional name that is on the plaque.

After yesterday's shot of the tiger I had said I would seek out his crocodile and take a snap (ouch, what a pun!).

I had taken a picture last weekend but it just wasn't right. Then, today I saw the possible picture and I had no camera on me! Aaaargh!

At least I had my phone. And in good boy scout style I did my best with what I had.

I hope Richard appreciates my attempt to capture a little of his talent.

All the best to all. Had a great day with the girls and much walking all over Edinburgh done. Very proud of my 3 year old.

Until tomorrow's blips... ciao for now good blippers!

Oh, and "Binary Croc" I believe is the name for this particular artwork. Nip along to Bristo Square to see the full thing in all its glory.

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