It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Rosemary on her new bike!

Missed blip yesterday. Gahhhh

I had a quite productive day but a few things had pee'd me off and my ride home cheered me up, that was until I realised I had left my house keys at work (hopefully) and then the heavens opened and I got soaked. Fortunately, Rosemary is here this weekend so I didn't have to go all the way back to Manchester.

We had quite a fun day today. A quick train journey to Glossop to do some shopping. We went into the traditional sweety shop and got the most disgusting sweeties on earth! Report on Rosemary's blog:

We then visited Praze, the local deli and got some amazing bread, cheese and a few odds and sods! I love this shop as the ladies that run it are lovely, even if they do give me a plenty of cheek. It was a great lunch. I bought a book in Oxfam which was almost a year's worth of blips: 365 pictures of Tibet and people in Tibet. Each day/picture had a corresponding Buddhist quote, with many from the Dalai Llama and Jack Kornfield. R thought the quotes were cheesy but I liked them.

We had planned going out on the bikes but there had been a few torrential showers and the forecast was poo! We pottered around instead, I baked some bread, tinkered with the bikes and then went out for a lovely walk! It turned into a run as I fancied a pint and we needed to catch a train home from Glossop. Had a top pint of perry in the Globe . Great day all round.

This is Rosemary riding up towards my street on her new bike!

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