It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Hmmmm a nice aroma!

A few of you will have spotted a common theme in my blip, of coffee. Today is no different. This is my friend and colleague James having a sniff of the espresso blend that Has Bean has done specifically for North Tea Power (NTP). It?s got El Bosque, a Guatemalan bean and something else that escapes me.

It had been a pretty good day in which I had managed to do quite a bit, including the penultimate edit of the book I?ve written on power in cycling. Only a few more weeks and it?ll be in print. Yay! I enjoy writing and wouldn?t mind turning my hand to a bit witty journalism some day....I?m working on it.

James and I came into town after work to go to yoga. I nipped into NTP to buy a bag of beans, expecting some decent but expensive stuff from Square Mile in London (Wellington Coffee in George Street use their fine beans) but Wayne had his own bagged up. Can?t wait to try it in the Pavoni but it?ll have to wait until tomorrow now. It was pretty funny as Wayne hadn?t entered it in the till yet and decided to charge me £4.50. Bargain! Jane had other ideas but couldn?t adjust the till quick enough..... Wayne insisted that it was cool and Jane smiled like she had just swallowed a wasp! Quirky service today but I enjoyed it.

James had been waiting patiently on me outside the Buddhist Centre but when we went it we found that yoga had been cancelled. Ohhh well...back to NTP for coffee. In the 15 seconds it took me to fold up my Brompton, James had started to talk to this pretty young lady outside the cafe! To be fair, James is always utterly charming and would have been equally happy speaking to the artist sitting on a nearby step painting a picture of a cat.

Our coffee was good, a nice richness, sweet but with good acidity and a kick! We chatted for far too long and then we headed home. I?m about to tidy the house as Rosemary will arrive in just over an hour! I better get a jiggy on!

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