Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Poorly cameras

Bit of a camera problem in our house just now.
I dropped mine a while ago and with £100 excess on the home insurance and the repair cost quoted at £230 I decided to look for a bargain and replace it (I had seen it online for just over £100 as it's an old model now) at some point. It works fine as long as the battery bit is taped down but the batteries just died & are charging.

The compact is Cameron's and suddenly on holiday failed to turn on. Or it'll come on but switch straight off. Seems like a loose connection. Main issue with it is that I can't find the receipt which I need to get it fixed for free :-( I bought it off eBay new & it actually came with a proper John Lewis receipt but I'm sure the paypal details (which I could print off) won't be enough evidence.

Another busy day with church, 10mile cycle, taking Cameron to a party & a long chat with one of my best friends who I haven't spoken to for ages.

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