Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Lewis's Eye

Can I see into his soul?

Poor Lewis has had a few tellings off today...just to stop climbing the fence; to do his homework; to stop tormenting his brothers; to do his homework; not to sulk when he can't just have a new bunk bed when there's nothing wrong with the one he has; to do his homework; to stop being cheeky; to do his homework!!!! ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! I always feel guilty when he's had a bit of a nag but what do you do? He did come back downstairs after going to bed, gave me a hug and said sorry.

Had a walk up to the top of the village and back this afternoon. It was a sunny day and I'm feeling slightly better.

I've just seen on the tv news that yet another intruder has been stabbed to death by a house owner. This is the third case in the North West in the past few months. Years ago I was very liberal and would've been more on the side of the intruder but now I feel very strongly that nobody should be intruding....and if you do, well maybe being stabbed is the risk you're going to have to take!

Another thing I wanted to share is that today I read a newspaper article on Joey Barton. There was a photo of Joey wearing NHS-type glasses and he was looking like Morrissey. Joey is a fan of Morrissey and the article was saying how misunderstood he has been and that he's really a sensitive and intelligent soul. I'm sure he is and this makes me smile because my dog, Hovis, is a bit of a nut when it comes to being sociable with other dogs. In fact, he had a little (unfair) reputation as being a bit of a thug. So much so that one of the regular dog walkers took to calling Hovis "Joey Barton"! Now I can at last say that Hovis too is just a misunderstood, sensitive and intelligent soul. Goes without saying that he's a Morrissey fan too!!!

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