
Hijacked by the extremists in the 1980's.. Calls for Wales to be somehow included in the Union Jack/Flag in recent times.. Included in the flags of Tuvalu, New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. Prevalent in the earliest flags of the USA... Worshipped by some hated by others and called 'The Butcher's Apron.' But what does it mean to people right now?

'We came acoss the West Sea
We didn't have much idea
Of the kind of climate waiting
We used our hands for guidance
Like the children of a preacher
Like a dry tree seeking water
Or a daughter
Nice 'n' sleazy
Nice 'n' sleazy does it
Does it every time.

An angel came from outside
Had no halo
Had no father
With a coat of many colours
He spoke of brothers many
Wine and women
Song aplenty
He began to write a chapter
In history
Nice 'n' sleazy
Nice 'n' sleazy does it
Does it every time.'

Hugh Cornwell..

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