All plums.

Man went back to work today. Monday's suck, but Monday's after a holiday are even worse.

Putting off the pile of admin and dishes, I spent a bit of time trying to work out how I could improve the lighting for yesterdays shot. Tried to set up with a prime and a reflector but the ambient light was too low so exposures were off... and I had to try and focus without a me to focus on. Still, even if I have to use steps and kitchen towels to get everything at the right height etc, think I've got the gist of it now. All I need is a fill light and a subject.

Then I read a couple of health related articles. If not surprising, this one was particularly interesting.

Then I picked some plums.

Then I tried again to get something I could actually blip. I locked up the mirror and stood holding stuff in front of the lens. Had no idea what would happen but ended up with this...

From the Cradle to the Grave? It's all plums...

PS Now I better go and do something to justify my existence!

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