Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1


Delivered in my best Steve Wright voice, ahem, this is my stifficate. I know that to some of my blipfriends, this probably doesn't figure highly in the great scheme of"Academic" things, but in a way, I am proud of it. I missed more lessons, than I attended. Not because I am like that, just because I was working when the classes were on. I completely misunderstood the operation of the camera, and every image I took with careful preparation, returned to default setting when I moved the mode switch.If any of you has gone through, or are going through the phenomena which are called Night Classes, I salute you. Monday is particularly hellish. From the point of view of the average person, would it not be better to structure the academic year differently?If we look at politics, the year is structured around the agricultural year. Anyway, enough debate for tonight. It just is really difficult, for people with jobs, to do them, and then in an attempt to "improve" themselves, dare to attend said night classes. Not forgetting those wonderful tutors, who chose to try and bring a little knowledge to the proletariat. Most of all, to the poor souls who sign on most years, in order to learn a little more.I forgot to mention those lovely people we meet along the way, and who entertain, encourage and enthuse their fellow classmates.

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