Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

The three wise monkeys. Small objects of desire 2.

I found this wonderful trio yesterday. I had to have them. I love the car boots in Preston, Tuesday Thursday, and a smaller one on Saturday on the old fish market.The lad who sells on this stall, is one of the most likeable characters I have met at the car boot sales. He is as honest as the day is long. He reminds me of the play with Thora Hird and Pete Postlethwaite. She was a lady entering her dotage. He was the son who dreaded this.She was about to move into a home, and her son put the house up for sale. When prospective buyers came to view, she had them get down on all fours to examine the "wonkiness" of the fireplace. Priceless acting, by two of our leading lights of the theatre and small screen. Life is less, since their demise.I don't know the lads name, but know that he has a stall at Bygone Times in Euxton, which I find good value, and worth a good rummage through. I bought a lovely set of postcards from him of the Palm Court Methodist Hotel in Cleveleys for 20p. He sold me,on behalf of his friend, a wonderful book of prints for £1, and I te wanted just 50p for the three wise monkeys, which were in the wrong pile. He wanted £2 for them, who could resist?

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