my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Out with the old

and in with the new.

Rather tricky time at work, but my day was brightened up by a nice chat this afternoon.

Eve got her Summer Reading Challenge Certificate and medal in school today (I *did* know she was going to get it as I sent the ones from our library into school) but it didn't make it any less of a proud moment for us both. She wore her medal in class today.

Took the girls downto the mill, we've not been for ages for a few personal reasons but they got loads of books and they insisted what they *really* needed was this 7 ft snake.

They have named her Sammy and as I write she is wrapped up around Evie in bed.

Did a bit more clearing out today. I'm getting there, still not giving up on finding a bigger place but for now needs must.


"Once bitten by a snake, she is scared all her life at the mere sight of a rope"
Chinese Proverb

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