The Littlest Fairy

22months 30days

Katie and I were halfway through getting dressed. She decided she liked the tights and nothing else. She then saw her fairy wings hanging up. She wore those and went to watch her friend the cat. Blip gifted

We're having a mummy&moo morning, just pootling round, a walk and a few bits before we go pick up the boys for the afternoon. She's extremely cuddly at the moment, which is lovely. And she's learnt to say cuddle, in the most adorable way that makes me melt every time. So every few minutes its "Mummy cooodle". #1happy mummy. Little Miss Independent is currently waging war on a (wrapped) Dairylea triangle, refusing to let mummy help open it.

We'll probably head to a toddler group we've not been to or if it brightens up a touch, there's a lovely park we recently discovered that may get visited! I'll pop back later when I know how the day's gone - and update whether I convince Katie to wear more than just a pair of tights all day!

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