Hands on head!

47 weeks + 5

If you say to Katie 'hands on head'... she pats her head. She then waits until you say 'clap handies'. She will probably then start doing 'twinkle stars'. Not that she's a performer. Oh no......

We had a really nice time at the play cafe first thing this morning, our usual group of mums were all going but we got there and there was also a bunch of the mums from Montessori, who's kids Katie all really enjoys playing with too. Bonus!

She absolutely ADORED her swimming lesson today, she was completely hyped to be there, hurled herself off her floaty mat. There was a new mum there today and our teacher said 'don't worry, Katie's just mental'. And she is. She just loves being in the water, jumping, splashing, diving, all of it. Today she had her first go with her new 'magic penny' arm bands, the foam discs. Her teacher reckons a couple of weeks and she'll be off swimming on her own, once she's used to the size of them.

We got home and she didn't much want to go to sleep, not on her own anyway, so what's a Mummy to do? Obviously, we had to curl up on Mummy's bed together and aid the sleeping. I haven't slept in the daytime for so long, and we both very much enjoyed it!

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