
I think that is the best word to describe how I am feeling.

Full of pride for a team of staff who pull out all of the stops to show the outside world just how good our school really is.

Full of pride for a team of prefects who were highly visible, very organised and who did their jobs exceptionally well - without them, our evening wouldn't have run as smoothly.

Full of pride for 140 students who came and helped out, who worked with staff to engage with parents and the younger students who came to look around.
Full of pride walking into each of our areas of school and scarcely being able to control the grin from spreading across my face when I see how well our children are served.

Children and staff who did a full day of work then did an extra few hours on top, working, performing, learning, helping and being excellent ambassadors for us.

What more could I ask? I am lucky to work where I do. Even when it's tough going, which sometimes it is, because that is the nature of our job these days, nights or events like this remind me why it's actually so good to do what we do, and to do it at our school.

Big thank you to Kieran who waited by my car, with his lights on, so I didn't have to walk out to the back of school in the pitch dark by myself :-) Nice touch, was appreciated :-)

Thanks all ...apologies for poor photo - it ended up being the least of my concerns, but I guess "taking a shot" was in my head.

Now, bath and bed. I ache.

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