Capital adventures

By marchmont

Where would we be without friends?

Good things

morning swim

French - even if I am losing it incrementally.

Not so good things

being see sawed backwards and forwards between EDF and British Gas. Yes, the call centre staff are polite and helpful but why do the companies have to be so inefficent to start off with and why do they only have 0800 numbers? Luckily I have a national number on my phone for acessing 0800 numbers otherwise today's circomlocutions would have cost a small fortune. And still no definitive answer!!

climbing over #3 son's possessions in the hall as he packs to leave. Result of living in a small home and how things get worse before they get better.

avoiding the inevitable.

discovering that I'd missed Alastair Darling talking about his bio to Eleanor Updale at Christ Church on Monday night. That was where James Naughtie was dashing off to after the NLS (she being his wife). If I'd known I'd have gone but it was a consequence of missing French last week.The Edinburgh Bookshop events are always good value.

Best thing

The birthday bash of one of my 'oldest' friends - a significant one! A great night (and early morning) with friends old and new. We've known each other for around 50 years - wow! She's a generous, wonderful, supportive, understanding and generous friend to many. Always there when you need her and I've needed her quite a lot the last 2 years. It was an honour to be able to help her and her family celebrate another milestone. Congratulations H, here's to next one!

(not a great photo as taken without flash and then cropped but I wanted her on her own.)

This is my 266 blip - sorry folks, but that means it's fewer than 100 days to Christmas -

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