Capital adventures

By marchmont

Have your cake and ....

or is it 'burning the candle at both ends?'

Whatever it is today I paid the price of a late night/early morning return home and a night of fitful sleep worrying about the future and the spreadsheet. Not much point worrying about the future, I know, but I have to stop avoiding the inevitables.

The levels of exhaustion didn't abate during the day and I didn't go to the tea but I did manage a, late, morning swim. How long does it take for something to become a habit? That's 3 days in a row now - but don't think it qualifies as a habit - yet.

Spent the morning catching up on blip commenting and then E came for lunch and got absolutely drenched in the downpour which looked like hailstones.

After a sideways trip to JL and YBS (avoiding yet more rain) we repaired to her house for coffee and cake. She makes a good cake does my friend E and this one is bright yellow from the free range eggs supplied by her sister-in-law.

To-night it's back to singing and then tomorrow off to Aberystwyth with #3 son. Long way!

It's the autumn equinox today and the sun will be setting due west from La G. I miss it (and the autumn warmth) but maybe I'll get a sunset blip over Cardigan Bay.

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