Summer time...?

And the living is easy.... (if a little chilly first thing in the morning)

It is a beautiful autumn day but there are no autumn golds on these hillsides just yet.

This scene is just across the road from where I live, but still looks as though we are in summer. Yes, I don't necessarily have to go very far for my blips, which you'll already know, if you've stopped by here before!

Saying that, the horse-chestnuts that are on our drive and dotted about the garden are ablaze with colour at the moment and the conkers are falling fast. Am not too keen when they land on the car though.

We have so many that we could host a world conker championship. Not that there are many conker competitions in the school playground these days, as it is now regarded as a bit of a dangerous hobby.

Nor are our chestnuts of the eating kind apparently. So which type are, I wonder? We have tons of them and so many of them end up getting squished on the drive. The squirrels love them and sit atop the tallest trees, just lobbing them down!

We do go out collecting them. Glossy and brown, we end up with carrier bags full and then don't know what to do with them! Practical suggestions welcome, please.

But I do think the seasons are getting somewhat confused at the moment. We have a flowering pink rhododendron in our garden at the moment and a clump of Love-In-A-Mist has come up lately and looks set to flower soon, if a hard frost doesn't come around, that is.

Earthdreamery's question re the passage of time, see here, and consequently how quickly it passes in our experience, has opened up much debate! So, if the seasons appear to start going backwards, well, that should slow things down a little, shouldn't it...? Wouldn't it?

Anyone got a spare tardis?

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