
By Juleshki


Another shot of local rurality and a slightly different view of yesterdays bit of Lancashire.

A disappointing day today. A visit to my GP revealed that I have suspected damaged cartilage in my knee. This problem first arose last Friday and I was hoping it would be something slightly less serious, but that's what I've been told it is.

My normally very reliable left knee has let me down, in more ways than one and in around 3 - 6 weeks (?!?) I will know whether it has repaired itself (...how does it do this) or if it will need to be explored further. In the meantime I am not to do anything overly physical with it. Not sure how that is going to work out.

I know it could be some time before I play championship football again. Not that I did before, but you never know! I do know that I shall be disappointed if I am unable to take part in a dance performance in 3 weeks time, but I fear that may well be the case. What are my chances, I wonder?

I shall be very nice to my knee. Always. And the other one too...

Do be nice to your knees too, good folks.

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