Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Little n Large

Struggling with my Blip tonight. Mike is supposed to be mountain biking this weekend and has taken my little compact camera with him and left his camera here for me so I can still Blip. Trouble is I don't really know how to use it - it's a bit more technical than mine. I also missed a really great blip this morning on our walk(beautiful snowy scene and purply pink sky) because I didn't have my camera. I debated running home and back but I would have been so late. Have learnt my lesson to ALWAYS ALWAYS have a camera with me!

So I am feeling a bit ratty tonight. Took me ages to get to the stables and back cos of the snow. Poor Jack hasn't been out again and Mike has had his flight to spain cancelled which means I have to go out in it again. :0(. But on a positive note he's managed to get a flight out tomorrow afternoon and at least I get to snuggle up with him tonight to keep warm!!

Anyway, these apples came in our organic fruit and veg box. It's great - things are all knarly weird shapes and still covered in soil. But you don't get to select your own, hence sometimes you end up with a little tiddler vs a big monster like this.

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