Five things

By fivethings

Emma loves Ian

1. My mum, the angel that she is, posts my battery and charger to me, so today I have a camera back. Not for a minute suggesting it makes any difference to the photos, it just means I can upload my Blips right away. I'm glad to have it and the parcel was all the sweeter for the box of fudge from her holidays.

2. My desk came today. I don't think I can stress just how much I like this desk. I'm delighted. Parcelforce, rubbish staff at the collection centre and carrying a box the size of a washing machine in horizontal rain I can take or leave, but the contents of the box when it finally arrives are very, very cool.

3. With it came three photos of the original graffiti on the top. The person who restored the wood took pictures before he stripped and sanded it and I now have them; they say MARY, VICTORY TO THE MINERS and EMMA LOVES IAN (EMMA IS A SLAG BY IAN).

4. I do finally make it into the office. I walk into technical and it's a few minutes before I notice the Allo Allo theme is playing. I assume it's someone's phone, but no, Kevin - the comedy genius - is playing it because of my French outfit. Funny? Funny? He's just crabbit cause yesterday he was so baffled by my outfit he couldn't rustle up an insult. Ha. I'm winning.

5. So I'm home and I'm sitting at my new desk, the wind and rain battering against the window and a big smile on my face. A. Big. Smile.

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