Mr Grumps Life in Photos

By MrGrumps

A fighter

Dexter sits in the kennel this morning, scared and nervious. He soon calmed when I stroked him and his purr was a delight the ears. He's so alive, it's almost impossible to accept how unwell he is.

The vet gave me some good news though. Overnight Dexter managed to have a wee (a big one) in the litter tray, but the rest of the kennel was dry. It looks like he had more control of his bladder! It's dangerous to hope I know, but the feeling was one of elation. Could it be possible that Dexter was going to pull through?

We're not out of woods though. There is still risk of other damage.

At lunchtime we were talking about what specialist to send him to to get his leg fixed. The Royal Vetinary College was considered, but a local specialist seemed the better option.

The plan was looking good. Tomorrow we would take him home and on Friday I'll take him to get the leg fixed. He would need 4-6 weeks of containment for the fracture in his pelvis to fix and the leg to mend.

Things are looking up.

At 1430 the vet called me to say there was a complication. The leg was cold. There was no circulatoin. He planned to sedate Dexter and give him a full examination.

I called again at 1800.
Dexter's broken leg is 'dead' it seems, and the vet is now 80% sure that tomorrow will involve amputation.

I know he's a fighter, and I just want him to come home..

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