be brave...
...don't jump
i said to this little guy - as i noticed him perched as i was passing...
"don't worry... i'm just hanging out for a bit..."
(can you see how he's talking back - his little mouth appears to be open? i'm not making it up this time around... really!)
great - i'd like to take a few pictures of you...
now normally - bees are not my thing - i think i've mentioned before, i'm often nervous about getting stung and all... however, i was intrigued - i don't know what exactly this fellow was doing - i think he's balanced on an old, dryed out seed pod thingy - certainly no pollen there, right? do bees clean themselves? i couldn't tell... 'cuz he was just cool - chillin' - totally relaxed for about 5 minutes while i fiddled with my camera snapping away... i mean, look how close i got - when has that happened for me before? sure, it's still not as sharp as some i've seen here on blip - but for me, i'm well pleased with my effort considering the circumstances... the wonderful cooperation of mr. bee... once i'd had my fill...
thanks - that was terrific - i don't want to overstay my welcome... you've been very gracious to me... patient as i've wandered around you with different angles...
he stayed there for a moment longer and i turned away to see what the geese were up to - they'd been practicing their flying patterns... when i turned back - the bee was gone... no sign of him at all - anywhere - just vanished.
for someone who's not really into insects somehow i felt an incredible bonding with this little one today... i can't put a finger on why - i wonder if it might happen again on another day with a different bee. all i can say is that i'm glad i seized the moment in spotting one so small - didn't see it as insignificant...
and will once again lay claim to a
happy day.....
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